Asian Junior Fencing championship
Women's Foil Team
Dubai 03-03-2018

      Tableau 13-16 of 4

    15th place     Tableau 13-16 of 4     13th place
 JORDAN                UZBEKISTAN 
          3   MACAO          45/20
   JORDAN            MACAO 
     JORDAN     45/39


Tableau 13-16 of 4 : JORDAN - MACAO      ^

JORDAN Hits Score Score Hits MACAO
MANSI Dina 5 5 2 2 TANG Nga Hei
AYSHA Genan 5 10 5 3 CHEONG Chi Cheng
ALKLOUB Shahed 2 12 15 10 LEONG Pou Lei
MANSI Dina 4 16 20 5 CHEONG Chi Cheng
ALKLOUB Shahed 6 22 25 5 TANG Nga Hei
AYSHA Genan 4 26 30 5 LEONG Pou Lei
ALKLOUB Shahed 5 31 35 5 CHEONG Chi Cheng
MANSI Dina 2 33 40 5 LEONG Pou Lei
AYSHA Genan 6 39 45 5 TANG Nga Hei


13th place : MACAO - UZBEKISTAN      ^

MACAO Hits Score Score Hits UZBEKISTAN
TANG Nga Hei 4 4 5 5 ZIYAKHODJAEVA Lolita
CHEONG Chi Cheng 2 6 10 5 PARPIEVA Madinabonu
LEONG Pou Lei 1 7 15 5 ILYOSOVA Umida
CHEONG Chi Cheng 2 9 20 5 ZIYAKHODJAEVA Lolita
TANG Nga Hei 1 10 25 5 ILYOSOVA Umida
LEONG Pou Lei 3 13 30 5 PARPIEVA Madinabonu
CHEONG Chi Cheng 0 13 35 5 ILYOSOVA Umida
LEONG Pou Lei 4 17 40 5 ZIYAKHODJAEVA Lolita
TANG Nga Hei 3 20 45 5 PARPIEVA Madinabonu

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