Cadets Circuit Budapest
Women's Foil Individual

- Engarde Smart

Tableau of 128

Tableau of 128 Tableau of 64 Tableau of 32
1 KUS Natasza
12:25 Piste 1 Referee: PERELMANN Mark ISR KUS Natasza
128 SOS Greta 15/6
13:20 Piste 1 Referee: DE HAAS Martijn NED KUS Natasza
12:40 Piste 1 Referee: PERELMANN Mark ISR SZEVERENYI Sara Etelka
64 SZEVERENYI Sara Etelka 15/12
14:05 Piste 1 Referee: ANT Mehmet Fatih TUR KUS Natasza
33 FORGACH Nina 15/1
12:25 Piste 2 Referee: HORVATH Soma HUN FORGACH Nina
96 RIPERT Manon 15/6
13:35 Piste 1 Referee: GOURMAND Logan FRA NELZA Dominika
97 ROS VINAS Martina 15/10
12:40 Piste 2 Referee: HORVATH Soma HUN NELZA Dominika
32 NELZA Dominika 15/5
17 RUTA Giorgia
12:25 Piste 3 Referee: TEACA Bogdan FRA RUTA Giorgia
112 SCHAEFEROVA Justyna 15/5
13:20 Piste 2 Referee: HORVATH Soma HUN WOJTAS Hanna
81 KOZLOWSKA Weronika 15/8
12:40 Piste 3 Referee: TEACA Bogdan FRA WOJTAS Hanna
48 WOJTAS Hanna 15/2
14:05 Piste 2 Referee: HARI Mate HUN WOJTAS Hanna
49 DELEUIL Juliette 15/6
12:25 Piste 4 Referee: HERZHOFF Julius GER DELEUIL Juliette
80 BYRNE Lauren 15/11
13:35 Piste 2 Referee: TOTH Janka HUN DELEUIL Juliette
113 PRITELLI Veronica 15/9
12:40 Piste 4 Referee: HERZHOFF Julius GER PRITELLI Veronica
16 TANG Daniella Weng Yan 15/12
9 ZIEMAK Emilia
12:25 Piste 5 Referee: SARMANY Zoltan SVK ZIEMAK Emilia
120 MIKULICKA Zofia 15/11
13:20 Piste 3 Referee: ELSHABOURY Mohab EGY ZIEMAK Emilia
73 LEE Stephanie Tingyi 15/8
12:40 Piste 5 Referee: SARMANY Zoltan SVK SIMON Borbala
56 SIMON Borbala 15/14
14:05 Piste 3 Referee: SASAKI Peter GBR PICCHI Elena
41 KOCIUBINSKA Zofia 15/8
12:25 Piste 6 Referee: SASAKI Peter GBR PICCHI Elena
88 PICCHI Elena 15/3
13:35 Piste 3 Referee: CIGANEK Jan CZE PICCHI Elena
105 VARGA Zselyke 15/12
12:40 Piste 6 Referee: SASAKI Peter GBR ROSALIE Solange
24 ROSALIE Solange 15/5
25 FATTORI Maria Elisa
12:25 Piste 7 Referee: DE HAAS Martijn NED FATTORI Maria Elisa
104 HURIEL Ece Gizem 15/9
13:20 Piste 4 Referee: ZURAWSKI Bartosz POL FATTORI Maria Elisa
89 ONEN Irmak 15/12
12:40 Piste 7 Referee: DE HAAS Martijn NED LAJCSIK Roza
40 LAJCSIK Roza 15/13
14:05 Piste 4 Referee: YELTEKIN Yasemin TUR FATTORI Maria Elisa
57 ZSIGMOND Eszter 15/10
12:25 Piste 8 Referee: PEARCE Joseph GBR HARONI Agapi
72 HARONI Agapi 15/4
13:35 Piste 4 Referee: FAZEKAS Arpad SVK ADOCH Alexandra
121 TUCKER ALARCON Frida 15/14
12:40 Piste 8 Referee: PEARCE Joseph GBR ADOCH Alexandra
8 ADOCH Alexandra 15/8
5 LAZZERI Martina
12:25 Piste 9 Referee: HARI Mate HUN MANCINI Sofia
124 MANCINI Sofia 15/13
13:20 Piste 5 Referee: DE WIT Kevin BEL MANCINI Sofia
69 MOS Teresa 15/7
12:40 Piste 9 Referee: HARI Mate HUN MOS Teresa
60 GOUTENEGRE Eloise 15/10
14:05 Piste 5 Referee: DE HAAS Martijn NED WOJEWODZKA Zuzanna
37 PRATS Mathilde 15/12
12:25 Piste 10 Referee: TAKATS Attila HUN CHOUET Lise
92 CHOUET Lise 15/6
13:35 Piste 5 Referee: WOLF Eszter HUN WOJEWODZKA Zuzanna
101 WOJEWODZKA Zuzanna 15/9
12:40 Piste 10 Referee: TAKATS Attila HUN WOJEWODZKA Zuzanna
28 BARTOL Michalina 15/11
21 ABELE Liene
12:25 Piste 11 Referee: DE WIT Kevin BEL ABELE Liene
108 GOROHOVA Viktorija 15/11
13:20 Piste 6 Referee: PERELMANN Mark ISR ABELE Liene
85 MAHOVSZKIJ Szilvia 15/11
12:40 Piste 11 Referee: DE WIT Kevin BEL CAVINATO Cecilia
44 CAVINATO Cecilia 15/11
14:05 Piste 6 Referee: SIMON Kristof HUN BERRETTA Mariavittoria Elvira
53 CHENG Cleona Yu Han 15/6
12:25 Piste 12 Referee: FAZEKAS Arpad SVK CHENG Cleona Yu Han
76 AMORE Victoria 9/7
13:35 Piste 6 Referee: SIMON Kristof HUN BERRETTA Mariavittoria Elvira
117 KANEPE Veronika 15/1
12:40 Piste 12 Referee: FAZEKAS Arpad SVK BERRETTA Mariavittoria Elvira
12 BERRETTA Mariavittoria Elvira 15/1
13 TAVOLA Alessandra
12:25 Piste 13 Referee: ROSU Silviu ROU TAVOLA Alessandra
116 EROLCAY Damla 15/5
13:20 Piste 7 Referee: MESTERI Viktoria HUN TAVOLA Alessandra
77 ANTAL Kata 15/9
12:40 Piste 13 Referee: ROSU Silviu ROU GULISIK Elvin
52 GULISIK Elvin 15/8
14:05 Piste 7 Referee: ELSHABOURY Mohab EGY TAVOLA Alessandra
45 MUSCO Beatrice 15/8
12:25 Piste 14 Referee: FIGAL Nicolas ESP MUSCO Beatrice
84 SAGNIEZ Lise 15/7
13:35 Piste 7 Referee: COWAN Benedict GBR WONG Angellena Yan Qi
109 GKAVZIA Efthymia 15/11
12:40 Piste 14 Referee: FIGAL Nicolas ESP WONG Angellena Yan Qi
20 WONG Angellena Yan Qi 15/6
29 KOZLOVA Polina
12:25 Piste 15 Referee: BENCZE Attila HUN KOZLOVA Polina
100 HAMMAD Farah 15/5
13:20 Piste 8 Referee: SASAKI Peter GBR KOZLOVA Polina
93 CARRARO Eleonora 15/12
12:40 Piste 15 Referee: BENCZE Attila HUN MAZIN GONZALEZ Serena
36 MAZIN GONZALEZ Serena 15/11
14:05 Piste 8 Referee: TEACA Bogdan FRA RIVA Vittoria
61 ILLEKOVA Katerina 15/9
12:25 Piste 16 Referee: SIMON Kristof HUN ILLEKOVA Katerina
68 VELCHEVA Evangelina 15/7
13:35 Piste 8 Referee: MCCAIG Bruce GBR RIVA Vittoria
125 KOH Shao Yuan Gianna 15/6
12:40 Piste 16 Referee: SIMON Kristof HUN RIVA Vittoria
4 RIVA Vittoria 15/2
3 CAUVET Olivia
12:25 Piste 17 Referee: NIKOLIC Noa CRO CAUVET Olivia
126 BEECHEY Jessica 15/5
13:20 Piste 9 Referee: SARMANY Zoltan SVK MONTI Lucrezia
67 SCHIAVON Noemi 15/9
12:40 Piste 17 Referee: NIKOLIC Noa CRO MONTI Lucrezia
62 MONTI Lucrezia 15/14
14:05 Piste 9 Referee: MESTERI Viktoria HUN MONTI Lucrezia
35 AKSOY Ayse 15/5
12:25 Piste 18 Referee: SZABO Vanda HUN AKSOY Ayse
94 AKYALCIN Yagmur 15/11
13:35 Piste 9 Referee: TAKATS Attila HUN AKSOY Ayse
99 MACK Laetizia 15/12
12:40 Piste 18 Referee: SZABO Vanda HUN NOWAKOWSKA Aleksandra
30 NOWAKOWSKA Aleksandra 15/3
19 STEPOVYK Milana
12:25 Piste 19 Referee: SAVIN Thibault FRA STEPOVYK Milana
110 NAIDI Kalliroi 15/3
13:20 Piste 10 Referee: ANT Mehmet Fatih TUR STEPOVYK Milana
83 KROPACOVA Valerie 15/10
12:40 Piste 19 Referee: SAVIN Thibault FRA PICCINI Sofia
46 PICCINI Sofia 15/6
14:05 Piste 10 Referee: WOLF Eszter HUN AMR HOSSNY Sara
51 AMR HOSSNY Sara 15/12
12:25 Piste 20 Referee: COWAN Benedict GBR AMR HOSSNY Sara
78 WEYERMANN Freya 15/1
13:35 Piste 10 Referee: SZABO Vanda HUN AMR HOSSNY Sara
115 KOWALEWSKA Jagoda 15/10
12:40 Piste 20 Referee: COWAN Benedict GBR SAIONI Greta
14 SAIONI Greta 15/1
11 BRYZGALOVA Svitlana
12:25 Piste 21 Referee: KONIECZNY Tomasz POL BRYZGALOVA Svitlana
118 PASTYIK Kata 15/4
13:20 Piste 11 Referee: HARI Mate HUN CHAIDAKIS Alexina
75 MOHAMED Lara 15/14
12:40 Piste 21 Referee: KONIECZNY Tomasz POL CHAIDAKIS Alexina
54 CHAIDAKIS Alexina 15/9
14:05 Piste 11 Referee: PEARCE Joseph GBR BARTUS Claudia
43 ADAMO Anita 15/11
12:25 Piste 22 Referee: ELSHABOURY Mohab EGY SZEFERA Emilia
86 SZEFERA Emilia 15/14
13:35 Piste 11 Referee: YELTEKIN Yasemin TUR BARTUS Claudia
107 WAHBA Fatema 15/5
12:40 Piste 22 Referee: ZURAWSKI Bartosz POL BARTUS Claudia
22 BARTUS Claudia 15/4
27 SLUMAN Talitha
12:25 Piste 23 Referee: ANT Mehmet Fatih TUR SLUMAN Talitha
102 NIKOLIC Vana 15/5
13:20 Piste 12 Referee: FIGAL Nicolas ESP TYM Danuta
91 DUFOUR Margo 15/9
12:40 Piste 23 Referee: TOROK Boglarka HUN TYM Danuta
38 TYM Danuta 15/13
14:05 Piste 12 Referee: SAVIN Thibault FRA KOLLAR Anna
59 DUBOIS Erine 15/6
12:25 Piste 24 Referee: MESTERI Viktoria HUN JOHNSON Katie
70 JOHNSON Katie 15/11
13:35 Piste 12 Referee: GAJDA Robert POL KOLLAR Anna
123 ZORIC Mila 15/2
12:40 Piste 24 Referee: YELTEKIN Yasemin TUR KOLLAR Anna
6 KOLLAR Anna 15/1
7 MELLONI Giorgia
12:25 Piste 33 Referee: TOTH Janka HUN MELLONI Giorgia
122 LIDZBARSKA Oliwia 15/5
13:20 Piste 13 Referee: TOROK Boglarka HUN MELLONI Giorgia
71 GONTIER Ninon 15/9
12:40 Piste 33 Referee: TOTH Janka HUN KOPYLTSOVA Elizaveta
58 KOPYLTSOVA Elizaveta 15/3
14:05 Piste 13 Referee: TOTH Janka HUN BORYSOVA Ahlaia
39 GOKKAN Ruya 13/7
12:25 Piste 34 Referee: GOURMAND Logan FRA BETTI Anita Sveva
90 BETTI Anita Sveva 15/12
13:35 Piste 13 Referee: SAVIN Thibault FRA BORYSOVA Ahlaia
103 TELATYNSKA Bianka 15/6
12:40 Piste 34 Referee: GOURMAND Logan FRA BORYSOVA Ahlaia
26 BORYSOVA Ahlaia 15/5
23 JOSAN Uliana-Dumitrita
12:25 Piste 35 Referee: MCCAIG Bruce GBR JOSAN Uliana-Dumitrita
106 MARKUS Boglarka 15/11
13:20 Piste 14 Referee: HERZHOFF Julius GER JOSAN Uliana-Dumitrita
87 BIELLMANN Camille 15/11
12:40 Piste 35 Referee: NEHEZ Denisz HUN MAKOWSKA Karolina
42 MAKOWSKA Karolina 15/12
14:05 Piste 14 Referee: KONIECZNY Tomasz POL JOSAN Uliana-Dumitrita
55 FORGACH Rebeka Liliana 15/10
12:25 Piste 36 Referee: GAJDA Robert POL FORGACH Rebeka Liliana
74 POSVANCOVA Martina 15/6
13:35 Piste 14 Referee: PEARCE Joseph GBR FORGACH Rebeka Liliana
119 VALACSAY Anna 15/9
12:40 Piste 36 Referee: GAJDA Robert POL DAMMROFF Lotte
10 DAMMROFF Lotte 15/9
15 CANESSA Lucrezia
12:25 Piste 37 Referee: CIGANEK Jan CZE CANESSA Lucrezia
114 GYAPJAS Hanna 8/4
13:20 Piste 15 Referee: TEACA Bogdan FRA CANESSA Lucrezia
79 BARBU Ioana 15/8
12:40 Piste 37 Referee: CIGANEK Jan CZE ATMACA Alara
50 ATMACA Alara 15/11
14:05 Piste 15 Referee: PERELMANN Mark ISR CANESSA Lucrezia
47 ORMANE Eva 15/7
12:25 Piste 38 Referee: SZABO Marton HUN TAKAISHVILI Liza
82 TAKAISHVILI Liza 15/11
13:35 Piste 15 Referee: ROSU Silviu ROU BEARD Madeline
111 MCVINNIE Abigael 15/12
12:40 Piste 38 Referee: SZABO Marton HUN BEARD Madeline
18 BEARD Madeline 15/13
31 MAZILLE Pauline
12:25 Piste 39 Referee: KAIGORODOVS Bogdans LAT MAZILLE Pauline
98 SIMKOVA Anna 15/5
13:20 Piste 16 Referee: KAIGORODOVS Bogdans LAT MAZILLE Pauline
95 PINTER Abigel 15/8
12:40 Piste 39 Referee: KAIGORODOVS Bogdans LAT MOHAMMAD FADLY Nabihah Raiedah
34 MOHAMMAD FADLY Nabihah Raiedah 15/12
14:05 Piste 16 Referee: ZURAWSKI Bartosz POL FRANZONI Ludovica
63 SU Mo Tong Helene 15/6
12:25 Piste 40 Referee: WOLF Eszter HUN VOELKER Linn Marie
66 VOELKER Linn Marie 15/6
13:35 Piste 16 Referee: KONIECZNY Tomasz POL FRANZONI Ludovica
127 BORGNARD Cali 15/7
12:40 Piste 40 Referee: WOLF Eszter HUN FRANZONI Ludovica
2 FRANZONI Ludovica 15/6

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