Malmö International 2019
Ladies Veteran 40

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Tableau of 8

Tableau of 8 Semi-finals Final
1 HILT Claudia
HILT Claudia
Referee: WAGNE Anna SWE NEUSCHAEFER Katharina
5 NEUSCHAEFER Katharina 10/4
Referee: CLAUSEN Stefan SWE NEUSCHAEFER Katharina
Referee: AL-NUAIMI Muhannad SWE SLEZIONA Ewa Zofia
3 SLEZIONA Ewa Zofia 10/9
Referee: STILLER Carsten DEN SLEZIONA Ewa Zofia
6 AUERBACH Anita 10/7
Referee: JENSEN Jan Sylvest DEN SLEZIONA Ewa Zofia
7 FORSSIUS Cecilia 10/4
Referee: DORDEVIC Bogomir SWE HERKERT Anette
2 HERKERT Anette 9/6

Document engarde-service - 2019-06-08 17:27:48
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